Friday, October 26, 2012

Flag rug pattern/kit now available at

Hubby's office with the Flag hooked rug.

Antique Coverlet partially punched.......front

Antique coverlet punch needle....partially punched, back


How neat.............for the birds, but later because I like how it looks inside...

Is nothing off limits Baxter??

Ok, I finally gave into it and decided of make my American Flag pattern available.  Really, it's certainly not "my" pattern, it's "the flag", but, I've had a lot of comments on it and it is very large and not really fun to draw so I understand why people wouldn't want to draw it for themselves.  So, I'm showing photos of it again and how I'm using it in the house because I have added both the pattern and the kit to the website today, .  It's a big one, but easy hooking and really, how stunning when done....

I'm working on my "Antique Coverlet" punch needle pattern right now and am so happy with how it's coming out.  It's intricate and monotonous at the same time.  Using only two colors makes it very easy, but, there is a lot of detail.  Can't wait to get it done, I'm going to lightly spray mist it for a dyed look.  Check back for pics of the finished project.

Isn't that "corn house" neat??  I got it at my favorite antique store in the area.  It's really meant to be outside, but I like how it looks on the stone fireplace so will leave it there until winter when I'll then put it out for the birds.  Great idea though. 

And then what would my blog be without a daily photo of Baxter.  Seriously, the camera just finds him.  I hollered for him this morning and turned around to find him perched on the couch............on the antique coverlet rug!!!  Do your animals feel as if they have to "christen" a new rug??  

Have a great weekend!
Until next time..... 


  1. Sweet picture of Baxter! The corn house is really neat!

  2. I too love the bird house, did you make it? Love all your pictures, Maggey

  3. Love the birdhouse.. Did you make it? Love all your beautiful work.
