Thursday, October 25, 2012

Good things...

Bittersweet in our own yard.....who knew??

Natures gift......a heart grapevine wreath!

Now that's one big leaf!!!!

King of the mountain............Baxter!!

Summer angel
Spring and Winter angels

Santa 2012
 I've just now gotten into some real "creating and designing" again and it feels so good.  I have 5 new designs waiting to be hooked right now by Mom.  Her hook is smokin'.....

I have to explain the bittersweet picture.  A few weeks ago at the "Best of Missouri" I purchased two bunches of bittersweet because I love to decorate with it.  Well, my mother and I were walking to dogs on one of the trails and lo'and behold, it's growing everywhere here.  But, the clincher is that it snakes up to the top of the tall evergreen trees and then "berries".  So, needless to say, I had hubby in the tree last week.  He's so good to me!

On the same walk I noticed this piece of grapevine growing into a perfect heart, so had to bring it back home.  I plan to wind some more around it to make it a bit fuller.

Next is these huge leaves that are all over, just love fall!!

And then, what would a blog be without a picture of Baxter!! He just keeps us so entertained.  He tends to roam a bit and sometimes I forget about him, so today I hollered for him and went out and there he was, perched up on the wall, as if he was surveying his kingdom.  

Last but not least are our angels.  My husbands cousin Kim is obsessed with hooking now and had some beautiful angels hanging in her house.  She has been so good to our son Jeremy in Mass. that I decided to make her a set of angels to hook.  She might make them into seasonal pillows.  Here is the first three in a set of four.  Our fall angel should be done in the next couple of days and all will be available to purchase as patterns/kits.  

Keep checking back as we are now in full swing for Christmas and churning lots of great things out.....
Until next time...

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