I'm almost done putting together that large punch needle order you see in the previous post and am feeling antsy to paint. So, today I went out and looked at my stash. In the last photo check out these awesome door panels that I get from a great place in Vermont. They make the best canvases as there is a built in border. And when antiqued, because they are wood and have great "character" they look so nice. The "arched" piece is going to be a "Come Sit On My Porch" sign that I will get on my website.
I have a very bad addiction............antique beds. I can't pass one up. Here in the North Country of NY I cannot tell you how many $5 old wooden beds I have gotten. My husband has turned several of them into gorgeous bed benches and I like to paint on the headboards. So, a few weeks ago I bought 2 or 3 and the guy threw in the side rails (which I really never use, so they end up in the fire pit), but the two he threw in had a nice decorative detail on them, so I painted them and made them into "Land of the Free Because of the Brave" signs. I attached two hooks on them for hanging and brought them into the shop on post. The manager told me they are already gone. This makes me so happy because I have really gotten away from painting and now that I am getting my pattern work under control I am really feeling the pull to start seriously painting again. I'll paint on anything if it's not tied down. So, watch for more.
The next thing I wanted to share is the neat bird feeder I made. I could have sold this several times over but just LOVE IT. At some time or other I picked up that neat metal thing on the top, not knowing what I would do with it. It had a hole in the center. I really dont' know what it was, maybe one of you does. So, it sat in the barn for a couple years until I saw this tall spindle with a tabbed end. **DING DONG** (that's really what it sounds like when I get an idea) I thought, "I wonder if that round piece will slip on there. Sure enough, it did, so a little liquid nails or maybe a screw or two, a base screwed on the bottom and a dry brush with white paint and a very cute and primitive bird feeder was born. It is very unique and I get alot of comments on it. So, keep your eyes open for those old wooden spindles and neat pieces for the top. Your bird friends will love you.
Back to antique beds.............tomorrow I'll show you a picture of a gorgeous European wooden antique bed I got for..................wait for it.........$7.50. It's my mother's bed and it is probably the best thing I've ever gotten. So check back.
Until next time.........
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