Thursday, July 3, 2014

Our poor yard, but it's all good!!

Oh what a week!!  As I told you last Friday, we needed to have a new well dug as our pump in our old one died and they could not bring it up.  Who knows when it was last done, I think back in the 70's.  The thing is, when we moved to this house 8 years ago I met the moving truck at 7 am on a Monday morning.  Me and the boys (hubby was in Afghanistan) had moved from Kansas.  I made myself a big pot of coffee knowing it was going to be along day.  I took a big swig and ugh, it was like drinking ocean water.  We found out that we had a count of 2000 for salt in our water (something that was not disclosed by the previous owners).  I'm not sure what a normal reading it, but suffice it to say that 2000 was many, many times higher than it should be.  The well guy told me you taste salt at 800.  Anyway, with that we made the very bad decision to put in a whole house Reverse Osmosis system.  Don't get me wrong, we had wonderful, filtered, basically bottled water for 7 years, BUT and a bit BUT, it ran off 220 so raised our electric bill immensely and created waste water and was a very large and scary machine in our basement that I've never been comfortable with.  So, not to bore you, but with all that, when the pump died last week I was a little bummed but then not because with a new well we will no longer have to use "the system".  I always weigh the pros and cons of a situation and the pros far outweighed the cons.  The only con was that it took us by surprise and well, who wants to pay for a new well.  That said, it's done, we have nice water and it's all good now!!
But, oh, our poor yard!!

So, with the water issues, the dye kitchen has been closed for the last week.  Not to mention that it has been in the high 80's with high humidity.  So, I've given Mom lots of projects to keep her in her room with the AC.  That's my ulterior motive!!

One nice morning though we did manage to do something that's been in my head for awhile.  Hubby enclosed the wood covering and made a potting shed for us.  He used some old windows we had in the barn for a decorative look and I had an idea....
I got two old burlap potato feedsacks.....
We reinforced them with a piece of wood and then rolled the sack down.......

 I nailed it to the potting shed with some very long nails....

We put a trash bag in the sack (poke holes in the trash bag for drainage when watering).  The bag will be hidden later....  Fill the bag nearly to the top with a good potting soil....

Mom got an arrangement on the Lowes clearance rack (she's always out for a bargain) and took it apart and planted them and a Blue Daze vine to hang over.  We then tucked in the trash bag and voila!!!  
I just love the look.  Now I am on the lookout for some perfect old shutters to complete the look!!

Mom also finished (during her AC time in her room) the last two rugs in our collaboration with my sister.  They are both available as patterns or kits at our website.  Here is the link:

...and I have started punching the second design...

In addition to that I just finished our Fall Wool Applique submission for the Wool Street Journal.  I'm very happy with the design.  If you don't get The Wool Street Journal it's a very nice magazine with free patterns, articles, helpful tips for hooking, punching, applique.  Check it out, here's the link:

Quite by accident when I was designing the next Wool Street Journal Applique pattern I came up with another design that I am Soooooo Happy with.  Watch for that one soon as I'm starting to stitch it....

In between all the craziness, thank goodness for the porch.  5:00 cocktail and cheese and cracker time has become the norm.  How nice to sit on the porch as everyone comes home from work and everyone discusses their day!

 When the well drillers finished up Tuesday evening I said to Mom, "I think we need a day trip".  Wednesday has become our favorite day of the week to go to the Farmers Market.  What an absolutely wonderful community event!!  

Story time on the lawn at the library....

..the church bells were ringing as it was noon.....

...we didn't eat at the Farmers Market as we wanted to get out of the heat, but soon we intend to try this....look at the fresh veggies.  I give that girl a lot of credit, it was very hot and she was over that grill all day!!

Then it was off to our favorite Angus Hill Flea Market....
where we did manage to get a few goodies, watch for those in the future!
Wild flowers at the flea market

..the farm in the distance from the Flea Market
 So now it's back home and back to work.  I think with the 4th of July people's minds turn to..........I hate to say it....Fall!!  With fall we see business increase and the many orders are going out daily.  Thank you to our customers, we truly do appreciate each and every one of you.  It's because of you that we get to do what we love.  I received the nicest email yesterday from Vicki.  In fact it brought me to tears as I read it to Mom.  It was so nice and made me realize how lucky I am to be able to do what I do and share it with you all.  I have made great friends through my business and the internet.  Thank you Vicki for the very nice email!!

With that it's back to what we love....Wool!!  The Wool of the Month in fact.  Think HOT DOG!!!  See it?  The hot dog, ketchup, mustard and roll.  (I don't like relish)  A nice 1/2 yard (1/8 yard ea) for your stash.  For the Wool of the month here is the link:

...and last but certainly not least, if you think our yard was not being guarded during all this Well business think again.  Max in the first photo kept an eye on them from afar (he's a scaredy cat......)

...and Baxter was the King of the Mountain, ever so watchful..

Who me??

 A busy weekend is planned with the 4th tomorrow, our usual family dinner, then fireworks, then Saturday over to the Made in NY festival in Sackets Harbor, then Sunday, working on the shop...
I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July.  Take time to enjoy family, food and friends!
Until next time.....


  1. So sorry about the yard mess, but otherwise you seem to be having a good time of it lately : ) Love the potato sack planter. Wish I could join you for the cocktail/cheese/cracker time : )

  2. I'm testing this as I have heard that some cannot comment....

  3. Oh I LOVE the burlap sack planter- that is so neat!

  4. heh girl i hate to see updates on the internet!! ( everything looks amazing). congratulation!!! we have to get together soon. miss you all!! Amy E.
