Friday, July 11, 2014

Made in NY and now headed to Vermont.....

I did it again.....another week has gone by without writing!!  I intend to write every couple of days and then forget about it, or just plain run out of time.  Of course, it is summer and there is just SOOO much to do that the days are jam packed because you want to fit everything in before the first snow falls.
Last weekend we went to the Made In NY fest.  What a nice day.  It was held at the field at Madison Barracks in Sackets Harbor.  Not a big show, there were about 70 vendors.  The weather was just beautiful and the field overlooks Lake Ontario....

Of course, being a supporter of local businesses I managed to come home with a few goodies....

If you are even in Clayton, NY, visit the Clayton distillery for some delicious limoncello and flavored moonshines...

Treats called "Max's Best" for Baxter and Max...

...treats for Julie, Limoncello and Apple Pie moonshine... 

delicious flavored cooking oils....

more treats for Julie, sparkling cider.... (gosh, I sound like I have a problem, but really I haven't even opened them yet)

 Some magnetic buttons for my necklace collection...

I've been eyeing these wind chimes made from antique silverware for quite awhile.  Saw a lady I've bought jewelry from over the years and she had some so I contributed to her business....:)


Hubby, still with a bad back, but he made it through the morning.... 

 I see an old truck painted with an Old Tattered Flag in my future, check this one out.... 

So, then it was back to work for the week, we have some great things in the works that I'd love to show you today, but I'll hold off until they are finished.  

I dyed some thread this week..... some packages out (this is one of my Folk Doodle t-shirts heading out)

...Mom has been experimenting with some new techniques.  Love it!

Here's a teaser photo of one design we are working on...We will be offering it FOUR ways.  Think about that!!!  Watch for it next week.

 On Thursday it was time to ready the porch for our local hookers.......

.....which seat would you choose?

We have had this crazy robin around this year.  First off, she is very indecisive about her home.  She built about 8 nests on the porch, but then decided she would prefer the nice new potting shed.  Well, she built three nests in there, in the second one she lay three eggs that never hatched.  She's now in the third nest and they will not hatch either.  We have had to leave the door to the potting shed open slightly for her.  Poor girl will just not face the fact that it's not going to happen.  It doesn't help that we constantly disturb her....

and.....SHOP PROGRESS....this doesn't look like much but trust me, it is.....sleeper floor is almost done, strapping is almost done........ were here most of the week going through the stone wall connecting the shop to the dye kitchen and my studio...(view from the shop looking into the dye kitchen, through to my studio)

view from my studio through the dye kitchen and into the shop....

...those are the last photos I will show until the shop is done. Next is putting up the ceiling, laying the wood floor and walls, then the really fun part.........decorating and filling...

and while I was snapping pictures of the shop progress I had to snap some of the gorgeous wool stacked and waiting for the shop.....

So, now, in about 15 minutes we are heading to Vermont to visit my Sister and go to the Chelsea flea market.  It's not really a flea market but rather two town commons filled with Antique vendors.  My sister will be set up and selling her great Folk Art boards and Mom and I plan to sit and punch and hook.  Chicken BBQ and lemonade nearby...I can't wait.

Last but not least is my buddy, Baxter.  I'm very worried about him, he had another seizure two nights ago and one last week.  The vet says it's common in dogs but I just hate seeing it.  Worse thing is that I have to leave him with the boys while we are gone and I hate to think of him going through that by himself.  He likes to be comforted...  We use to make fun of my Grandfather with his poodle named PePe....He never when anywhere without that dog.......I now understand.

I plan to bring my camera with me so will have lots of great pictures to share with you when we get back.  Have a great weekend everyone!!
Until next time....


  1. Such a fun post! Wishing you a safe & enjoyable trip to Vermont!

    1. Thanks Shirlee, we had a great time, very relaxing!! Now I just need to find 5 minutes to write about it...
