Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Old Tattered Flag is up and running!

Looking in from the main entrance.

The dyeing sink......not really, but sure does look nice.

Anyone see us in the Wool Street Journal??

What a nice sitting area for new students!!

Awwwww!!  Baxter has to be hitched because he decided to go introduce himself to the neighbors. He just thinks everyone loves him........well, they do!!

Well, its about time huh?  I cannot tell you how good it feels to be sitting here writing!!  Last time I wrote, we were living out of suitcases and on air mattresses waiting for our household goods to arrive.  They came the next day and I don't know what I was thinking, I told my mother we had 80 boxes, well, make that 400 boxes.  Yup, 400!  I just now feel like I can say the house is 95% put together.  There are still a few things I have to do, curtains to sew when I find the perfect fabric, houseplants to buy, and I'm looking for the perfect dried flower wreath to hang over the stone fireplace.  Come back tomorrow to see pictures of the inside of the house so far.
But, we are very pleased to finally have the shop put together.  I thought you might enjoy seeing the photos.  We are very proud of it.  We have more room than the dining room in Evans Mills and we are using every inch of it.  I have a counter top for measuring fabric, tallying people and just a really nice area with my computer, label maker, scale, printer, etc.... It's so nice to have it all in one place!  Every morning I come out (it's a big room off the garage, a separate building), print out orders and fill and pack them right here.  So, our next step is actually getting people here.  Are there any hookers in Missouri??  I know you're here because I've sent things to you.  So, please, come see us!!  We are ready.  Call me at 315-767-8313 to let us know you are coming by as we don't have set hours, but I can assure you we are here most days.  
On to other exciting things.  I designed "Santa 2012" and Mom is currently hooking it.  The way she hooks I should have a photo to show you in a couple of days. He is a very simple guy, but quite tall, a belsnickle type Santa simply holding an American flag to his front, but what's going to make him special is the colors we have chosen.  We are going to raffle off a kit, the pattern and all wool, with the raffle to be held Oct. 25.  Check back for more info.  Also coming are the Flag peasant purse as well as some other purse designs, Quirky Turkey, Christmas parade, and some gorgeous pillow ideas.  I am so excited to be designing again!!!  
Now that I am up and running plan on lots of additions to the blog and facebook.  I have finished my Flag rug and I have photos of the inside of the house, so come back and see.  

***Correction ~ A few blogs back I showed Lillith holding a beautiful Crow rug and said it was a Create and Decorate design, well, wrong, it was from the most recent Fall  Need'L'Love book, I think it came out last year.  So sorry for the mix up.  
So, come back, I'm re-energized...
Until next time......

1 comment:

  1. The shop looks wonderful, beautifully inviting! I have no doubt that you will have lots of visitors once they learn where you are. Best of luck with your new home and location. ... jan
