Saturday, June 30, 2012

"Under theWeb"

"Pumpkin Parade"

"Turkey in the Vines"

"Spotted Green Gold" Wool

"Spider Webs" Wool
It's been another one of those weeks, busy, busy, busy!  We had a graduation here last weekend with 14 people here for four days.  Lots of fun and good food, then last night we had 35 people here for my husband's work farewell.  My mother says she feels like we're on a treadmill.  I made the decision to bite the bullet though and commit to moving the last week of August.  So,  it doesn't look like our pace is going to slow down.  Missouri, here we come!  If any of you are within 8 hours of Fort Leonard Wood we have wool and will travel.  We love to set up at hook ins, just let us know when and where to be.  

Anyway, I digress. 
I wanted to show you some pictures, I showed you "Under the Web" before, but wanted to let you know that the pattern is now available on  I was also pleasantly surprised when Ann brought over two rugs I had designed specially for her last year.  She was just putting the finishing touches on, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to photograph them.  I also have decided, with her blessing, to make them available to everyone, so they are also on the website.  "Pumpkin Parade" is just so darn whimsical, it makes me smile.  "Turkey in the Vines" is a larger version of my "Let's talk Turkey" design of last year.  Ann wanted it made larger for her bench.  I just love the outcome!!  She's a beautiful hooker!!!
The two wools are just 2 of 33 new wools  I added this morning.  Several of the wools are 1 yard pieces and are one of a kinds, nice spots and mottles.  
And........I am off right now to put the final stitches in my "Antique Coverlet" wool applique.  I WILL have that pattern available this week and will post a picture of the finished product tomorrow.

Treadmill keeps running.........Until next time.....

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