Monday, February 16, 2015

Long time no post eh?

I can't believe it's nearly been a month since I last wrote.  It seems like time is my hottest commodity right now.  There is just not enough time in the day.  Life at The Old Tattered Flag has been very busy.  We are constantly thinking of new designs and specialties to offer both on the website and in the shop.  I get bored easily so we just changed the shop around last week so that it's more "user friendly", more room to move around and hopefully easier for our customers to see everything.  

The next thing we are working on is our website.  I LOVE my website and it has been good to me for the last 12 years but it is very slow and a tad outdated so we are in the process of building a new one.  I have mixed emotions about this as my old website is like a child to me.  It has grown with me and the business over the years and been a huge part of my life, but sadly it just can't keep up with my business anymore.  It will be a sad day when I close it down, but at the same time I'm very excited to unveil my "shiny" new, faster, easier to maneuver website.  I hope it's ready within the next month.

We are recovering from a very successful Super Bowl Sunday sale (and how about those Patriots?). So to catch our breaths, Mom and I are taking a much needed three days off in Vermont visiting my Sister.
It was a very chilly ride over, up through NY and through the islands of Lake Champlain with the wind blowing and temps of -13.  Brrrrr......

The view from the car on the way over to Vermont...

It's always good to relax and catch up. We are not a quiet family and these get togethers can be quite boisterous.....much laughter, good food and conversation around the dinner table.  We did take a ride down to Guild, NH to the Dorr Mill Store today to soak in the wool (as if we don't have enough of our own).

Lisa, my sister is hooking my Starstruck Hearts rug.  Isn't it amazing how different the same design can look with a different color scheme?

Here's our original.....

By the way, if this looks a little different to you it's because I'm posting from my iPad which I have never done before.

I have taken lots of photos of my Sisters beautiful Vermont home so I hope to post tomorrow if I can figure out her computer with my SD card.  

Harley, my nieces dog..

Maya, one of my Sisters dogs, she has 3.

This post is kind of scattered....a lot like me right now, but I did want to write.  I've heard from some of you who were worried since I hadn't written in awhile.  All is well, we are just super busy, which is a good thing.  Check back for another update and keep watching as I have lots of pictures of the newly moved around shop and some new items that will be added to the website...

Until next time.....

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