I feel like this past weekend may have been "the weekend". The temps were in the high 70's and the foliage was at it's peak. I can see in the forecast that next weekend is suppose to be in the 60's. Still not bad, in fact, perfect weather for stacking wood is where I think we will be!! I think we've turned a corner. It's very hard to "gear down" when you've been going at such a fast pace (building the shop all summer, preparing for and attending a hook-in, grand opening, etc.) but we sure did our best this weekend. Saturday morning, the shop was open and Hubby headed off to the Meadow Lands with my youngest son to go to the Notre Dame vs. Syracuse game, so I settled in for a nice day of FINALLY cleaning or organizing my office, drawing and general "puttering around" which is my favorite thing to do.
I grunged some flags.....
Mom experimented with some wool.....
I took a stroll around the yard snapping pics of the last flowers in bloom for the summer...
Snapped some random pics....
...this is where we will be next weekend, this pile has a twin and we will get a third pile delivered then will be ready for a long winter...
Mom and I were both working on my new "Kris Kringle" design. Yup, she finished before me, but, in fairness, she heads up to hook around 3 in the afternoon and that's where I need her to be (I say "Mom, you need to go up and hook and she says Oh, twist my arm", lol). I drew 4 new designs on Saturday so her hook will be smokin'.......
I'm not too far behind in punching though, should be able to finished tonight or tomorrow. I only punch at night in front of the tv so usually only get a couple hours in before the eyelids start to droop!
I've been having fun sculpting these necklaces for the shop, I don't use molds, I plan to get some loaded up to the website soon.....
Here's a nice visitor from over the border (Canada). What a cool Owl bag she made!!
Here's our shop greeter!!
I have found that when you own a business people find you to pass on their treasures. I think with wool, ladies are just happy to hand off their collections when they no longer can use them. They know that it will be going to a good home and will be used well. That happened with Penny. She was given this amazing collection of snippets that were all organized according to colors and labeled with numbers. These numbered snippets are all cataloged in 2 books with the dye formulas for each. You can imagine how thrilled Mom was to receive this valuable gift. Thanks so much Penny!
So, that's what's going on here, a nice comfortable steady pace. It's a Monday for sure, lots of orders have come in, but the windows are open, the dye pots are full and I'll be packing boxes all day. Have a great week everyone!
Until next time.....
Love the new necklaces, can't wait!