Sunday, September 22, 2013

A beautiful Fall day and a Thank you!

I want to thank all of you who have posted and emailed me about being sick.  It really means a lot that you have thought enough to take even a minute and email that you are thinking of me.  I am just so very lucky to have met so many of you, even if it is though the keyboard and email.  Thank you for the kind words.  All that good karma has worked because I am feeling soooo much better.  I am not a good patient and am even worse at taking medicine.  Mom actually bought me a pill container a few months ago for vitamins (she's big on her vitamins) and I thought "for god's sake, I'm only 45, I don't need a pill container".  But, well ok, you know "mother really does know best".  I was so anemic that they have me taking 2 iron pills a day.  Well you know what happens with iron, so they also have me taking a  "softener" and vitamin C, plus I like to take 2 garcinas a day.  Not serious medicine, but I am very scattered and would never really remember without that pill case.  So, anyway, I feel great!!

We've been really getting things together here.  We've been wanting to do a Calendar so spent the last two days taking photographs.  I can also tell when you are all "gathering your nuts" (or wool) in this case and getting ready for winter because we've been very busy with wool and pattern orders.    Really is there anything better than sitting under a quilt and hooking with a cup of cocoa or coffee??  So I know you are all all getting ready for those Winter days ahead.

The weather has been beautiful here today and I told Mom to take the day off so here's what she made for herself..

A Wool wristband for her watch, how clever!
 As we were taking pictures for the calendar, all three dogs had to be with us in each place.  I can't tell you how many times I tripped over them.  And guess who really tried to be in every photo.  I seriously think he knows what the camera is and what it's used for because he's practically saying "cheeeese".


I wonder why he always poses for the camera?  Perhaps because he's always getting into something.  I have no idea what that is on his mouth...popcorn, candy, wool?

 Have I told you all that pinterest is very, very bad.  I really blame them for this extra 10 pounds I've gained.  But, I can't stop myself from saving all the delicious recipes.  This one below, genius, I mean really........brownie pie?...ala mode?!! 

 Have you all gotten the current issue of The Wool Street Journal?  My sister of "Folk For All Seasons" is featured in this issue.  I know I've talked about her great folkart before but just wanted to remind you that if you were interested in any of her great Halloween pieces they can be found in her etsy store.  Click this link:  Folk For All Seasons  
She told me not to mention them anymore for fear that it would be overbearing, but when I was up there last month I saw all of her Halloween stuff in person and I can tell you that they are not coming though in the photos.  They are so much better and bigger in person.  She doesn't have that many left so be sure to check them out if you wanted one.
 ....and speaking of the Wool Street Journal, I designed this issue's free Wool Applique pattern from my Sister's guy above.  I will also be making it for rug hooking and punch, they should be available on the website this week!

So, that's it for now.  I hope you are all well and enjoying the wonderful Fall weather.  For those of you in NY, someone please have a Macintosh apple for me.  We don't get them here and I really miss them.  (I guess I'll just have to make do with that brownie pie)
Until next time.....

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