Saturday, August 31, 2013

A trip up North!!

Yesterday we got back from being up North for a week.  We flew up to get our youngest back into school and tour some possible towns to move to in November.  It was a whirlwind of a trip.  We actually flew into Burlington, Vermont, drove over to Plattsburgh, NY, got him settled, drove to Barre, Vermont for a quick visit with my sister (and I'm not sure Lisa if I ever thanked you, always such a great host)  We then drove down to the New Hampshire border, explored a little then into Massachusetts where we drove for 2 days checking out prospective towns to live.  Hubby has some potential resumes out there that we are waiting to hear on, so we figured we should get serious about a location.  Well, I love New England, but we didn't find anything!  There were some wonderful towns and I just love everything New England, but we just weren't feeling it.  We are being very specific about what we want in a house and none of them that we looked at will work.  The main thing is that in addition to the house being a renovated historical home, we want a barn or outbuilding that will work for a shop for The Old Tattered Flag.  We just never found it, there were problems with everything...............

One of my favorites, Quechee village, great Vermont food stores, antiques, gifts, diner, ice cream!! 

What would any New England town be without a Bean Supper!!?

....and what would any meal in New England be without a pot of baked beans.  This was at a restaurant called "The Fours" in Norwell, Mass.  It might have been the best burger I've ever had.  I was joking with everyone that Mom would have loved this place because she LOVES baked beans.  Every night when I'm figuring out what to have for dinner she says "we could have baked beans"...

Here's an absolutely beautiful house we looked at in Princeton, Ma., but it was too far for Mike's commute and did not have a place for my shop.

Here's a beautiful home in Sharon, Mass, which apparently is the #1 town in America to live and it was just lovely.  The house had a carriage house in the back which would have been great for the shop, but when you call the realtor and she keeps saying "oh, it needs A LOT of work", that's not a good thing, so we passed!

So, we headed down to Cape Cod and looked at a cute house, but it was too small and needed a lot of work and again, was too far for a commute.  I did snap these while there though......

Sandwich, Ma. beach

The Boardwalk in Sandwich, Ma.

The railroad bridge on the Cape Cod Canal.

The first Christmas Tree Shop I ever went to about 25 years ago.  I think it still has the most character of any of them!

Old Glory on the railroad bridge!

Hmm, contaminated shellfish and no campfires.....I'm thinking this is not a fun beach.  I like the seagull anyway!

Our oldest, Josh and me!

Josh and Mike on the boardwalk...

Summer fun!! Ah, to be a kid and jump without care off a bridge into the water.  Isn't there a saying, "if your friends jumped off a bridge would you?"

Ah, I missed my Dunkin coffee, we don't have one here in Rolla!

So, with that said, we have come closer to a decision to where we will end up, but I can't say for now......

So, we are now back in Missouri and here's what Mom was up to while we were gone!!

She dyed about 30 yards of wool.....

Here's the whole picture, pretty eh?

She finished her eagle rug.  This was a pattern that she bought and revised to her liking.  It will be for sale on the website....

"Erin Go Braugh" will be featured for March in our upcoming calendar..pattern will be available soon!

Here's a little chair pad she did in her spare time!

Really Baxter??

Again, really Baxter??

This is what we came home to!!  What's worse, this or snow??  I think I know......
So, that's it from here for now.  I am back to work on the valances and some other great new things so keep watching here and at for new things.

Until next time......

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