Friday, May 31, 2013

Back from Graduation/Vacation.....

I use to laugh at my Mother in law when she would tell me about how she would carry her brag book with her everywhere.  I could just imagine people either rolling their eyes or running away so they didn't have to look through another picture of "the grandchildren".  Well, I'm afraid I'm getting to be a bit like her as I share today's blog.  
As you know, on May 16 we headed to NY for my son's graduation.  It was a 16 hour drive, not too bad and we spend the night in Binghamton, then headed to Oneonta for the Graduation ceremony.  I CANNOT believe I am old enough to have a college graduate.  When did that happen?  We are very proud of Josh, he got his degree in Music Industry with a minor in event planning.  He hopes to work in some sort of music venue, behind the scenes.  Right now he is still searching but does have a paid internship with an organization called "Hearts of Hope".  

Proud Mom and Dad and Josh..

One down, one to go!
Josh and the proud Grandma's...

Nice picture of Father and Son between the pillars at school. (notice who is photo bombing on the left)
Then, never one to be serious, my husband says, "hey, your suppose to happily leap through the pillars".  Can you see Josh rolling his eyes?
So, after Graduation we loaded everyone in the car and drove 3 hours to Westport, NY to a lake house that we had rented for a week.  It was a gorgeous old camp, if you can call it that.  It slept 10 people, had antiques throughout, a big porch, kayaks, a private dock, tennis courts and was actually situated on a 750 acre estate that had 4 other properties.  It had been in the Hallowell family since the 1800's and was an amazing property.  We were told that we were early for the season so basically had the property all to ourselves...

So, the Monday after graduation Josh had an interview. He drove up to meet us on the lake and to "partake" in the beverages....

Baxter and Mike enjoying some hammock time...

Baxter and Max on their first boat ride.  Max looks like he's saying "help me Jesus", Baxter is saying "what was that?"
A few minutes into the ride they were both pretty bored!

View of the house from the boat... Mom, really? cleaning??

First dinner at the lake house.  Steak on the grill! (why can I never get a serious photo of my husband?)


View from the house!

Jeremy fishing...

Julie fishing....

Mike fishing.....hey, he's serious here, might have something on the line??

Pathway to the was in this very area that I was afraid I had walked through a patch of poison ivy, but nothing ever happened so I think I'm in the clear.

Baxter waiting for a boat ride!

We all fished while on vacation, guess what Mom did?  That's right, she hooked a rug!!  Pattern by Marie Azzar..
So, I came home with 225 photos.  Don't worry, I won't bore you with anymore vacation photos, but come back because tomorrow I will be showing you some amazing folk art from the Shelburne Museum in Vermont.  I will also be showing you an exhibit by Vermont rug hooker Patty Yoder and some of my sister's hooked rugs.  Lot's of photos of our vacation, too much to put in one blog.  We had a great time.  It was freezing for a couple of the days but my sister and her family had come over and we played games, watched movies, ate and just really enjoyed all being together again.  It really was a wonderful time!!
So, thanks for indulging me in showing off my pride with my son and our vacation.  

Until next time......


  1. Looks like a fun time! Congrats to the graduate! Love the pic of you and hubby high-five-ing! lol!

  2. We do have a tendency to be very silly whenever there is a camera around!!
