Monday, November 26, 2012

St. Robert Quilt show and more....

Mom hooking at the St. Robert quilt show....

More St. Robert quilt show....

Doh!!!  Busted!!
Things have been very busy here as usual.  On November 17th we were invited to be in the St. Robert quilt show. It was a very nice day and we finally got to meet some or "our" people.  It was nice to interact with ladies who just loved to create.  We have some local ladies coming over this week and are hoping to get a hooking group going in this area.  
On the 19th both of our boys and my mother in law flew in for Thanksgiving and we had a very nice week of eating, eating and more eating and just relaxing.  It was nice to see the boys but very sad to say goodbye yesterday at the airport even though they'll be home in three weeks for Christmas.  I'm really a big sap, not one of those Mom's who does well with their kids going to school halfway across the country.  I always said when our boys go to school I want to be retired from the Army and settled so they have a place nearby to come to when they have a break.  Well, things don't always work out that way, do they?  So neat and tidy?

Anyway, don't want to sound like such a downer....we have been very busy working on some finished items to get on the website.  Everything from Dolls, Santas, hooked rugs and pillow, paintings and lots of other goodies so that's why I haven't written much.  Look to the website, by Saturday or Sunday to find that "just right" primitive gift.  And with that I better get back to work....
So, until next time.......

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