Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Prancer is finished and look at that Eagle!!

"Prancer" just finished by Mom!

Is this not the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?? 

Ok, I have to be honest, when we were color planning "Prancer" we wanted him to have a vintage, antique rug look.  As Mom was hooking him I worried that we chose the wrong colors.  I loved the Old Thymey Persimmon around the border but was worried about the Antique Black.  Well, no longer.  It is soooooo old looking.  Mom says frequently that sometimes you have to stand back from  your rug and take it in and that is what happened with this one.  I just love it now.  Pattern is available on the website, kit will be available shortly.

On Saturday we were driving out to Crocker, MO to check on our booth in our favorite antique store and both of us hollered "Look!!".  I quickly turned the car around and snapped a few photos of this guy.  I have never seen an Eagle that wasn't in captivity and was almost speechless.  He was so beautiful and it made me so happy to see him freely sitting in the tree.  Beautiful!!!

Until next time..........

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