Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Valium please......

Lillith and her beautiful Crow rug from Create and Decorate Magazine!!  

Funny, doesn't it look like a tomato king with a crown on his head??  

I have just been told by Annette that things are very quiet at The Old Tattered Flag.  Quiet!!??  I am in moving/college hell right now.  My first son is/was a real go getter and I think he was packed two weeks before he had to leave.  I have practically had to use a prod to get my younger son to MOVE!!  I don't think I would be so stressed if I also wasn't trying to get us in order to move 3 days after we get him to college.  We actually have it very easy, the Army sends packers who come and do everything, but, in true Julie fashion, I seem to complicate everything by insisting on putting anything small in little zip loc bags, making sure pictures and everything are dusted so the packers don't think we are pigs and we have decided to move the little business ourselves, which means boxes and boxes of wool and patterns to pack.  

I also have had to go through 9 years of paperwork since when we moved here to NNY I moved by myself as my husband was in Afghanistan, so I think I thought I would do it when I got here......well, six years later, let's just say since there is a local burn ban, I had a nice fire going in the living room burning papers.  It was toasty.  

Here's the question, why do we wait until we are going to either sell the house or move to get ourselves in order?  I can't tell you how satisfying it has been to just organize and get everything straightened out, or put a dab of paint in that one spot you've neglected all these years.  Why don't we do it to make ourselves happy?  Oh well, that is the one thing about being an Army family, moves force us to "hoe out" and get organized.  

So, as far as business I have to say "Whoa nelly".  In addition to the move, we decided to have a "Christmas in August" sale last week offering 10% off.  Well, we were flooded.  I know it's a good thing, I'm not complaining.  In fact I work better under pressure.  Only problem is that when I'm busy packing orders it makes me antsy to design.  More, more, more!!!    I have ideas floating around in my head right now and because of the move, they have nowhere to go but perhaps on a sketch pad.  So, all I can say is, just wait until September!!  I will tell you that to thank everyone for the great sale we just had, we are going to be raffling off a large Santa Hooked rug kit (pattern and all the wool), probably starting in October.  I still have to work out the logistics, so keep checking back.  
So, Annette, there's your update. If I don't blog for awhile, please understand it's just because there is not a spare minute in the day.  I do plan to chronicle the move, so perhaps I will surprise you.
Until next time.......


  1. Lillith's rug is absolutely beautiful! Can't wait to see what september brings. :-)

  2. Would Lillith be willing to share which issue the crow rug appeared in? I can't find it in any of my clippings. Thanks much and good luck with the move! Love your comment about dusting!!

  3. I made a mistake, that design was in the most recent Fall issue of a Need'L'Love book. If you can't find it let me know, I may be able to help..
