Saturday, July 21, 2012

New things....

"American Pumpkin"

"Fall Blooms"

"Cathedral Window"  what colors would you choose?

"Give Thanks"

Phew, I haven't written in awhile.  Things are just starting to slow down here believe it or not.  It was a crazy few weeks.  After my son graduated hubby was home on leave for a few weeks and we worked to get the house in order for the move.  He has since headed to Missouri to start his new job and I'm happy to say that although Mom and I will not follow on until end of August, we have "secured" a rental house in Rolla.  It is another stone house, built in 1920.  It has a lot of character and we will have a separate shop area for "The Old Tattered Flag" so I'm really excited for that.  The scary part is that since it is more south and a creek and pond are on the property (I know, awwww, how nice), but with water comes water moccasins and those pesky brown recluse spiders.  I haven't dealt with either for quite some time, since we lived in Louisiana and I am a huge sissy when it comes to..........critters.  I guess I'll have to redevelop my spider radar again.
The same day my hubby left, my youngest son and I headed to Boston for his college orientation.  I'm proud to say that I made it through without any tears.  I know it was only orientation, but I have really been dreading my baby heading off so it was a big thing to get through.  Next is the actual "dropping off" end of August.

So, since I've been back the pace has slowed a bit.  There is always work to do but somehow when you are not "pressed" it doesn't seem like work.
Mom finished my new "American Pumpkin" design last night (photo #1).  Love it!!

Ann Farr re-hooked my "Jack" design (photo #2).  I actually designed that rug quite a few years ago and sold the rug on ebay by mistake for only $25, someone got a very good deal, so I wanted another one to have for a sample.  It's very whimsical.

Photo #3 is one of my new designs called "Fall Blooms".  It is my intent to have a winter, spring and summer blooms as part of a series.

Photo #4 is what I am most excited about.  It is really not like any design I've ever done.  My husband and I were driving through a small town in NY and I saw this amazing window.  I immediately had to snap a photo because I knew it would make a fabulous rug pattern.  Mom started it today.  What colors would you choose for this??  I think I'm going to love what we have gone with....

Photo #5 is a revision of my Large Bountiful Harvest design.  There are not too many Thanksgiving rugs out there so I wanted to add to the collection. Nice warm fall colors are going to really make this one special!!

If any of you ever visit my website, and have been to the woolens page, you know that it takes forever to load.  Well, I have spent days resizing all the photos and it should load faster, although I still have a few more to do.  Also, watch for our "Christmas in July" sale in the next week.  We will have alot of finished items for sale.
Hope everyone is having a great summer.
Until next time......

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