Friday, December 3, 2010

Heading to NYC!!

Well, things have been rather fast paced here lately, pretty much all year for that mattern. I have just finished decorating the house for Christmas. I love how it looks but always hate the actual process. It always looks like a bomb went off as I pull out the Christmas decorations and have to store away everyday stuff.
I am having my 3rd Annual Christmas Open House on Sat., Dec. 11th so still have alot to do to get ready for it, but we are taking a bit of a break this weekend and heading to NYC to see the Racio City Christmas Show. Whenor we were stationed at West Point it became a tradition to see it or "A Christmas Carol" so Mom, Jeremy and I are packing up, heading to Oneonta to get Josh and all heading down. I am really looking forward to a weekend of Christmas shopping, dining and the show. Hey, if we can't reward ourselves who will right?
Come back next week as I plan to have my Stone House Tour on the blog. During my Open House I let people walk all through the house. There are quite a few stone houses in the area and people are very curious about them. They hold alot of history and let's face it as women we are natually nosy about looking in other peoples homes and seeing how they decorate for the hoidays.
So, come back next week for more information on my Open House and the House Tour.

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